Approximately 72 percent of hiring managers believe it’s important that recruiters and hiring managers know job seekers’ pronouns. Additionally, as we become a more inclusive society having a workplace that normalizes the use of gender pronouns can make a world of difference. We spend about one-third of our lives working, so the language we use while working is quite impactful. How does one begin implementing or encouraging the use of pronouns? Below are some tips for those on both sides of the job search!

For Job Seekers

The job search process is stressful, and the added anxiety of being misgendered can cause even more angst. One of the first steps to ensuring that your pronouns are accessible so that they are easily known and respected is adding them to your resume. Not sure where to put them exactly? Well, a subtle yet prominent place to include your pronouns is right below your name!

Also, not too long ago, LinkedIn launched a feature that allows individuals to add their pronouns to their profile. As one of the most used social media platforms for professionals and one of the leading tools for recruiters and hiring managers, be sure that you implement this free feature.

Last, but certainly not least, one of the most helpful locations to include your pronouns is in your email signature. This helps ensure that when you’re communicating with a prospective interviewer that they will see your pronouns and be sure to use them appropriately. (Pro tip: Take a look at these 5 interviewing tips for transgender and non-binary people!)

For Employers and Hiring Managers:

During the interview process, candidates may identify outside of (or in between) the gender binary, or they may be in the process of transitioning to live their life authentically. These candidates are already nervous like anyone else going into a job interview, so introducing yourself and using your pronouns from the get-go can give them a sense of comfort and help them feel at ease as you get to know them.

In addition to asking a candidate their pronouns at the beginning of their interview, add an optional field for candidates to input their pronouns on your job applications. Giving a candidate the option to disclose their pronouns can help provide a more inclusive job searching experience, as well as prepare you for their interview.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is offering and feeling respect – no matter what side of the job search you may find yourself!