While the world is slowly returning to a new kind of normal, there are some changes that might be here to stay. For example, the pandemic has greatly impacted how employers connect with potential hires. Now, instead of getting to make your first impression in person, many interviews are  conducted using virtual interview and video resources. Making a strong first impression virtually can be tricky, so here are some tips on how to set yourself up for success

Prepare in Advance

Just like any in-person interview, preparing in advance plays a key role in the success of your first impression. Make sure to research your potential employer by checking out their website, their LinkedIn presence, and scope out any news coverage of the organization for any recent developments.

Now is also a great time to review the job description again. This will help you consider how your skillset fits this role and keep the information fresh in your mind before your interview.

Think About Your Virtual Background

Take some time to figure out the right location for your video call. Pick a clean, quiet space for your interview, and if you take the call at home then don’t forget to give family members or roommates a heads up so they don’t accidentally interrupt. (Pro-tip: If you want to be extra cautious of your environment so that you won’t be disturbed, then check out your local library. Some libraries allow visitors to reserve meeting rooms at no cost!)

Test Your Technology Ahead of Time

The last thing anyone wants is to be moments away from the start of an interview, only to have their computer die or be unable to load the call. Make sure your internet connection is stable, and if your interview requires you to download additional software onto your computer that you’re unfamiliar with, take the time to learn and test out the software a day or two in advance. Most video conference software lets you test your call, so reach out to a friend or family member for a test call. (Pro Tip: While the interview might be virtual, it is still a good idea to take notes or prepare notes in advance. Keep them with you but don’t obstruct the view!)

Dress for Success

Like any other job interview, you should be dressed appropriately for your interview. Although your interviewer will only see you from the waist up, dress as though you’re in an in-person interview. That includes shoes! The right attire can help boost your confidence as you head into your video call (Pro Tip: Body language is important! Maintain an open posture (don’t cross your arms) and maintain eye contact.)

If you have an interview coming up and would like more tips, please visit www.NationalAble.org or call 855.994.8300 to register for one of our JUMPSTART! workshops.